As deep as that skin requires...
Pigment is deposited into the skin at a certain layer, not a certain depth.
On the stomach that layer is further away from the surface than it is on, say, your wrist or eyelid... So a tram/diep flap reconstruction requires a completely different approach than an implant reconstruction!
I tattoo by feel, meaning that I allow the skin to tell me what it needs, I never go 'deeper' than the skin needs.
*I do that by making small adjustments constantly as I work. I continue to 'feel out' the skin as the depth is ever changing over a reconstruction.
True mastery comes when your tattoo artist knows how to listen the skin and make adjustments as they go!
Since I designed the ONLY needle cartridge set for use in scar tissue, you could say I am an expert when it comes to this topic. I train tattoo professionals around the world, and this is the most important topic because needles are the thing that makes the mark!
They are our point of contact with you, the thing you feel and the thing that makes it all happen! I always say starting a tattoo in scar tissue is like starting a conversation with the scar itself.
I start light and quick, and adjust once I understand how that scar likes to be tattooed. Often, my clients feel next to nothing and we're usually deep in some great conversation by this point!