It's so easy to fear what we don't know. If you've been tattooed once, you know what it feels like! Would it feel any different on the chest after a mastectomy?

WELL - Like Rachel from friends Said - "IT'S NOT LICKED ON BY KITTENS!"
BUT - if your body has been through something major, like a breast amputation - there will be some areas that you don't notice at all. Usually on the breasts themselves after a mastectomy, there is little to no feeling for the most part.
Most of my clients are pleasantly surprised. Some places will 'zing' but the rest will be comfortable. Also - I have found that loving, intentional tattooing helps the nerve endings to repair themselves just a little bit more as the tattoo heals!
AND - I use a light lydocaine solution as I work and my machine is silent, making it very easy to focus on our great conversation instead of the nominal discomfort.
Nobody has just ONE tattoo, after all - they all come back for more, so it can't be that bad, right?